
Authentic gucci serial number
Authentic gucci serial number

authentic gucci serial number
  1. #Authentic gucci serial number for free
  2. #Authentic gucci serial number how to
  3. #Authentic gucci serial number full
  4. #Authentic gucci serial number Offline

The original item would have perfectly even stitching with threads of the same colour as the bag. Fake bags are easily spotted by breaks in threads and uneven work. All Gucci hardware is made of solid metal of exceptional quality or gold-plated, they wouldn't peel off with time.Ĭonsidering the price of a Gucci bag a customer should expect flawless stitching and a customer is usually right. The fashion house engraves its brand name on zipper, locks and other metal parts. Gucci pays special attention to the hardware, because it is easy to copy the look of the bag and make it seem luxurious but it's almost impossible to replicate all the smallest details of the hardware. LOUIS VUITTON: How Can One Spot a Fake Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis?įor every designer bag manufacturer it's important to provide high-quality hardware to ensure that a product might be used for decades.

#Authentic gucci serial number how to

LOUIS VUITTON: How To Tell if a Louis Vuitton Graffiti Speedy is Real or Fake?

#Authentic gucci serial number for free

The logo or the brand name should also be represented on the dust bag which you get for free to keep your purchase from sunlight, moisture, and dust.

authentic gucci serial number

Both letters G look like an unfinished letter O. No matter what type of Gucci handbag you buy, the logo is always placed on the front. The fashion house has recently updated its famous GG logo, now it is overlapping. It's true for every respectable brand and for Gucci too, that the logo is the key part of the product. Remember that the left G on the authentic logo is facing forward and the right G is upside down. In the original version, Gs always have rounded edges. Look at the double G on the canvas, you will notice different sizes of the famous logo on fake bags, as well as different spaces between the letters. Cheap leather at the closer inspection will look unnatural, because of its machine-made origin.

authentic gucci serial number

Just touch the bag and if it's a real deal you would fall in love with its incredible softness.

authentic gucci serial number

The fashion house respects its customers, so every bag is made of high-quality leather and canvas.

#Authentic gucci serial number Offline

However, if you plan to buy a Gucci handbag in an offline store or a boutique you have a huge advantage. It's quite hard to distinguish the quality of the materials when you look at an item's picture. Here is our Gucci Bag Authentication Guide with 8 steps you need to take to spot a fake, and we are going to describe each of them in details: If you want to learn more about this fabulous Italian brand, check our Ultimate Gucci Bags Guide.Īlthough it's strictly prohibited to sell fake goods, some people manage to display low-quality production on the websites and even in offline stores.

#Authentic gucci serial number full

Once you learn how to authenticate a Gucci handbag it will be easier for you to make your luxury accessories collection full of original items. Our step-by-step guide will help you get the quality product that you truly deserve to own. We advise everyone first to examine a bag to make sure you are being offered an original item because Gucci is among the top three brands that are the most counterfeited. After the moment of happiness, you might learn a horrible truth that your bag was a fake and is worth nothing. Getting an opportunity to afford a Gucci bag you might rush to give your money in exchange for a luxury purchase, but before you do that, please, wait. You were dreaming about it, you were waiting for this moment to come true, and here it is.

Authentic gucci serial number